Welcome to whoever person that currently reading this blog of mine.Well basically this blog is about all the random thing that came out from my mind. That's all and bye!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LessOn 4 da DAy,frOm NOw On tiap kali exam..baju kurung ja dpkai...huhu!

Yeah...final exam 4 this sem is finally arrived...skrg start lar pelajar kerah-mengerah Otak...especially me...hihi..
Bha stdy last minit..pa lae buat..hehe..must give many effort kunu...

sO kemarin first paper final sy....paper ida...penganti citu...huhu!
This is one of da mOst tiring day of my LIfe when, befOre the enter the final wall...kena tahan oleh ustazz sbb pkaii bju t-shirt round neck..huhu!!
But before that...kwn sy dulu kena tahan...round neck juga....sy xtaw ingatkan sebb luass di round neck dia tue....truss dia minta kwn p bilik...sO sya pn p jga ikut dia..hehe....nie yg mnambah kepenatan tue...ahkir nya dua kali balik bilik...huhu!!
 hairan nie bju kurung pn lagi rOund bhaa neck dia...haha...
dia bilang sya tia buli masuk exam wall becOz of that..huhu!...ish..pnya lar men garam...tapi tiapa sya makan juga tu garam....sya balik bilik yg kiraa jauh nak mampOs...pastu mencari baju berkOlarr then tiada...Pastu...sy geramm....lama2 sya pkai ja tu bju kurung yg xterseterika then jalan capat2 pegi exam..Pergh...dengan rmbut sya yg serabaii...ber peluh2 sy sya exam...bukan mcm student sudah...tapi mcm tu buruh yg pkai bju kurung maw pegi exam....

Then pastu...jalan...jalan...jalan...akhirnyaa smpai juga exam wall tue....then msuk2 dlm exam wall dngan ter cungap2 nie bhaa..haha...then itu ustazz dia snyum ja nmpk sya dari pkai t-shirt ma jeans kpd baju kurunggg....NAh...AMbiii kAwwww.....cari larr kesalahan sy skrg sy bilang dlm hati ja larrr....hahaXD

selepas itu.. during exam time...heee atlast everything went well...walaupun tadi berlari2 pegi tukarr baju...hahaXD nasib sya dpt jawab juga nie...n sy cOnfident with my answerr....n walaupun sy lmbat msuk 30 minit gara2 round neck shja sya smpat siap gak sy pnya eseii...bkn lagi sempat Owwhhh terrrlebihh g nie...Nahhh....ambi kaw....jan ingat dorank bleh ptah kn semgat sy dgn sengaja maw cari kesalahan sya....perghh...lagi larr sy bersemangat nie...BRING IT ON BABY~!pdahal last sem kan tiada2 bhaaa begini sya pkai pelbagai round neck pnya t-shirt g...huhu!!
XPA.....DU GA ANNNN..................

Then hbiss sdh nie masa paper tue...then time ustaz tue ambi paper sy...duii...dia senyum2 nie...mntang2 lar dia wat sa lmbt msuk exam....trus dia tnya kunu nie....dia bilang dgn snyum2 "sempat kan~???"
truzzz pa lagi syaa....perghh...sya dngan muka hapy gO luckyy sya n semgat larr...sy cakap "SEMPAT"
itu diluarr larrr.... tapi dlm hati....UINAAA....SEMPAT BHAA....TERLEBIH SEMPAT G LAW KoE MAW.....hee....haha...urg disblah sa  pla berabis frust xsmpt maw siap nie dia pnya esei...then tym da tOleh tngOK arah sy...sngaja nie sya wat muka ceriaa mautt nie...hahaXD jhatt ni bhaa...heee....
oke...hehe sdh hbiss kisahh semalam....SO LESSON OF THATZ DAY.......FROM NOW ON...WEAR BAJU KURUNG TO YOUR FINAL EXAM....IF U A GIRL LAR...HAHAXD.....


Saturday, April 10, 2010

My feeLIn 4 da day...

hmm...tOday...or just nOw...felt very empty..hhmm...maybe because last night till today me and my romatez had watch  so many  mOvies...with deference genre..which gives us alOt of differents feeling after watching its..huu... Anyway..this is what happen if ur living in a hostel..especially when its night of friday or saturday...ur got nOthin else to do...n even though u have a test On monday..but u still manage to think there's nOhin to do..Hmm..perhaps for student which their campus is in the middle of the city would probably enjOy their weekend...urghhh...sadly for us...which our campus is in the middle of nOwhere..Or i can also think as it  in the middle of the forest...it just SUCK...bOrink...urghh...u dont even have a mOod to study...and all u can think of is sleep...because of ur butt sO damn lazy to move...urghh...bOrinnk2...lucky 4 the student who can gO back home at weekend cause their home are nearer to them...but as 4 us which our home is sO far away that we need to get to airplane to go bAck is just so damn SUCK..urghh...i miss my place sO much...urghh...this weekend making me feel urgghh...i cant describe it...i need to shout...arrrgghhhh~~!!!!!! hmmm....fewww... much better..NOT... anywy ur guys probably think my blOgz is bowrink..but who cares right??even i dOnt care as long i can release all my tension..hehehe...right??beside...isnt this is what bloging  all about...about releasing all thing that we feel...which make me feel alot mOre better than befOre this...hee... yupz...
okey..hee i think i have release all of it today..and why suddenly im writing in english anywy?? hehe..weird..guess im just in the mood..ohya..if my grammer make u want to kick me in the ass...dOnt..i knOw that i english not all that bombastic wOrd  or gud grammer but at least just give me  a break  dOnt be hating man~ ehehe...okeyy thatzz it dOnt blame me for making u borink..but its fun though...hehehe okeyyy i better stop writing..hehe i think i had begin to write crapy stuff...anywy..its nice to write a crapz once in a while..okee...adiOzz....

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