Welcome to whoever person that currently reading this blog of mine.Well basically this blog is about all the random thing that came out from my mind. That's all and bye!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Norah jOnes singing elvis songss....double nice...

1 day i was searching for elvis presley song title "Are you lonesome tonight"
love the song..hehe..selalu kan time kecil2 nie karoke lagu english dulu2..hehe...sampai sekarang pun masi suka...hehe...anyway..this is about norah jones...hehe...then time cari2 lagu tue...terjmpa plak versi Are you Lonesome tonight versii norah joness...perhh...bezz gillerr...hehe..
anywy this what have i found...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

cOz u are the only execption~

Another day with a music in my head and strike my heart with feelin that even 
i cannot describe it...^_^
owkey...the song for me today is the only exception by paramore...
the lyrics is so meaningful and the music sound very meyenangkan hati..hehehe..
i luv hayley voice...she got a very power voice....
today i listen many cover for the only exception...at  first they sing very well...and they sounds very talented...
but when its comes to the bridge...when the high tone part...they start to chicken out...and start to sing emm..in lOw tones...which spoils the sOng so bAD haha...why they dont  just tarikk hak their voice kan...hmm...but who am i to judge others right but...hee that just reality...heee....

Friday, August 6, 2010

screAMO tiME~!!!!!.........argghhhhh!!!!!

Another bOrink friday....
im  Listening to  my favorite ScreamO sOngzz...
anyway..its has been awhile seens i listen to my favorite screamO band...and i begin to fOrget hOw cOol and how very good is their song is....when i listen back...its like a flashback of  my past timess...hee...
they have created music that like stuck to  our mind and gives impact u know...ngee...  Anyway... i know this types of music have like not so good lesson AND DONT GIVES A GOOD EXAMPLE TO THE YOUNG ONESS... ..hehe!!damn!! who care!! atleast the sound of their music is enough to make me feel want sing and erm..somethin that i cannot describe the feeling...but the feeling is sO nice..hehe...but all i knOw i lOvess their sOng damn muchh!! yeahh!!!   
= ) 
UnderOath - A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black and White 

The Used - Buried Myself Alive

The Used - I Caught Fire *lyrics*

Escape The Fate - Not Good Enough....

 Escape The Fate - Situations 

Thursday, August 5, 2010


first at the morning fell just normal...
but dont know why...but this nite seem so emptyy and bowrink...

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